Stardust’s vision is a future without waste; a sustainable community where resources are reused or redistributed. For over two decades, we have worked with the construction industry to implement eco-friendly practices, like deconstruction, that have resulted in more than 80 million pounds of reusable building materials diverted from the waste stream. But how can we do more to reduce waste? The answer is advocacy.
Last November, the Stardust Board of Directors voted to adopt an advocacy agenda which solidifies our confidence in the value of deconstruction and reuse policies. We are committed to sharing our belief that when building material reuse becomes a standard practice it will create new opportunities for entrepreneurs, the workforce, and improve our quality of life.
“We do this work because we believe in the power of reuse” says Karen Jayne, CEO of Stardust Building Supplies. “We are excited to share the benefits of building material reuse with our community using our advocacy agenda as the framework for discussions to change public opinion and public policy.”
What is the problem? In 2014, the EPA conducted a study on construction and demolition debris and found that in a single year an estimated 534 million tons of construction and demolition (C&D) debris were generated in the United States—more than twice the amount of generated municipal solid waste. (credit: Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Fact Sheet)
In order to address this massive environmental issue, we will advocate and support policies which ensure deconstruction is standard practice in construction and remodeling projects, in addition to promoting reuse strategies that are an essential component for a sustainable community.
We look forward to the work ahead to create a more sustainable Arizona through community and legislative advocacy. Although we’re in the early stages of this work there are ways you can get involved today!